Spices and Herbs
Spices and herbs are widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and other industries. Currently, a wide range of almost any spices is available – the bulk of the spices can be bought in any supermarket or on the market, and if something is not found, there are many online stores specializing in the sale of spices and spices. Most of the spices come from tropical regions, for this reason spices have always been highly prized as they were difficult to deliver over long distances. But even now, many spices and spices are not cheap, and the most expensive spice in the world is saffron, and now it is very expensive. Spices and herbs can be sold whole or crushed – the latter are easier to use in cooking, but this simplicity is deceiving.
It is best to buy any spice whole, and grind it before use. So the spices retain their taste and aroma much longer, which are quickly lost if the spice is pre-ground. In addition, there can always be doubts about the composition of the powder sold under the name of a particular spice. But when you get a cinnamon stick, whole nutmeg or star anise star in your hands, there is no doubt that this is a natural spice or spice. There are many known spices and herbs that can be used as additives in food to improve its taste. Spices such as anise, basil, barberry, star anise, vanilla, cloves, mustard, oregano, ginger, cardamom, coriander, cinnamon, red chilli, sesame, turmeric, bay leaf, onion, marjoram, nutmeg, mint, oregano, fenugreek, paprika, parsley, allspice, black pepper, white pepper, rosemary, thyme, thyme, caraway seeds, dill, fennel, savory, saffron, tarragon and many other spices. More information about each spice can be found on specialized spice and spice sites, such as prianosti.com, which is entirely dedicated to spices and everything that comes with them.
Sauces and Condiments
If a spice or spice is whole or crushed fruits, seeds, leaves or other elements of a plant, then the seasoning can include from a couple to several dozen ingredients, each of which is a spice or spice. There are two types of seasonings, the recipes, one formed historically and which they try to adhere to when making seasonings, as well as those made to make the life of home cooks easier. The first seasonings include dry adjika, Svan salt, khmeli-suneli, curry, masala, garni bouquet, 5 peppers and many other spice mixtures. The second type of seasoning is a mixture of spices intended for the preparation of any dish – seasoning for fish, seasoning for kebabs, seasoning for bacon, and many other types of seasonings. But when buying a ready-made seasoning in a supermarket, it is worth remembering that almost all industrially manufactured seasonings include a flavor enhancer – far from the most natural and harmless ingredient in this mixture of spices.
Sauces are another story. Let's make a reservation right away that we are talking about sauces as a finished product, and not about an ingredient in dishes – for example, Bechamel sauce does not apply to the topic of spices, sauces and seasonings. Most sauces are essentially a condiment – a mixture of various spices, but only with a liquid ingredient, usually of plant origin. There are many types of sauces – tomato sauce, ketchup, red and green adjika, hot chili sauces and many others. In some types of sauces, spices and spices act as flavoring additives, for example, in ketchup, while in others the sauce almost consists of spices – a good example is green or red adjika, entirely consisting of hot chili peppers and a set of spices.